the impact to
minimize it

Environmental Impact Study

The environmental impact study includes the preparation of an environmental study (also includes related activities such as the preparation of the project notice, participation in BAPE hearings, etc.) as per the provisions outlined in section 31.1 of the Environment Quality Act and in accordance with the evaluation and review procedure of environmental impacts. To prepare this report, environmental characterization activities and sector studies are needed to document the host environment and potential impacts of the project. Measures can then be recommended to reduce the effects on the host environment. To this end, Groupe Conseil UDA provides support for every phase of a project and proactively helps clients optimize their work.

Furthermore, before work can begin, an environmental characterization needs to be added along with an outline of the measures that will be taken to reduce the impact of the worksite on wildlife, flora, and crops, if applicable.

Specific areas
of intervention

  • Meetings with regulatory authorities
  • Project notice
  • Support during informational activities and the consultation phase
  • Analysis of variants and project optimization
  • Multidisciplinary inventories to characterize the environment
  • Sector studies (ex.: noise, landscape)
  • Description of the host environment
  • Assessment of cumulative impacts and effects
  • Recommendations for mitigation measures
  • Development of compensation programs and habitats
  • Answers to questions from regulatory authorities
  • Participation in BAPE hearings
  • Monitoring compliance with requirements listed in permits and authorizations

of past

  • Environmental Impact Study
    Saint-Laurent Pipeline

    The Saint-Laurent Pipeline project involved building a 242-km pipeline between Lévis and Boucherville in order to connect the Jean-Gaulin Refinery and the Montreal East Valero Energy terminal. The pipeline crosses 4 administrative regions, 32 municipalities, 10 MRCs or equivalent territories, and 5 of the UPA’s regional federations. Groupe Conseil played a key role in every step of the project and impact study. Their expertise and know-how were essential to obtaining all the permits and authorizations required.

    Services rendered

    • Prepared the project notice
    • Took part in information and consultation activities
    • Produced a constraints study report
    • Carried out an environmental characterization through various multidisciplinary inventories
    • Supervised sector studies (noise, archeology, etc.)
    • Described the host environment
    • Analyzed impacts and cumulative effects
    • Proposed mitigation measures
    • Developed compensation programs
    • Answered questions and concerns from governmental bodies
    • Drafted the lay summary
    • Took part in BAPE hearings
    • Submitted requests for permits and authorizations
    Saint-Laurent Pipeline (Environmental impact study)
  • Environmental Impact Study
    Excavations relatives à l’intégrité pour le pipeline Transcanada/TC Énergie
    Excavations relatives à l’intégrité pour le pipeline Transcanada/TC Énergie (Étude)
  • Environmental Impact Study
    Gazoduq Project

    The Gazoduq project aimed to build a new 780-km pipeline to transport natural gas between the TC Énergie network in Ontario and GNL Québec’s future liquified natural gas complex in Saguenay. Group Conseil UDA was hired to act as the project’s main environmental advisor and played an active role throughout the project and in every phase of the impact study process. The report produced needed to meet regulatory requirements from both provincial and federal bodies. One of the challenges of this study was related to the legal changes at the federal level which led to an overhaul of the projected approach.

    Services rendered

    • Helped prepare the project notice (provincial) and description of the initial and detailed project (federal)
    • Supported Énergir in its information and consultation process
    • Evaluated several potential routes for the pipeline
    • Carried out an environmental characterization through various multidisciplinary inventories
    • Supervised sector studies (noise, archeology, etc.)
    • Described the host environment
    • Identified challenges
    • Analyzed impacts and cumulative effects
    • Proposed mitigation measures
    • Developed an environmental protection plan for the project
    • Took part in various meetings with regulatory bodies
    Projet Gazoduq (Environmental impact study)
  • Environmental Impact Study
    Supply Saguenay

    Énergir is planning to build a pipeline to supply natural gas to a port industrial zone in Saguenay. Groupe Conseil UDA was mandated with preparing studies required for obtaining the authorizations necessary for the project. The tasks included carrying out various inventories to document the host environment, supporting Énergir’s information and consultation process, and drafting an environmental protection plan. Groupe Conseil UDA played an active role in the project and in every facet of the impact study that governed the project.

    Services rendered

    • Helped prepare the project notice
    • Prepared documentation to support consultation activities
    • Supported Énergir in its information and consultation process (owners, municipalities, MRC, First Nations communities, UPA, various organizations)
    • Evaluated several potential routes for the pipeline
    • Carried out an environmental characterization through various multidisciplinary inventories
    • Supervised sector studies
    • Described the host environment
    • Identified challenges
    • Analyzed impacts and cumulative effects
    • Proposed mitigation measures
    • Developed an environmental protection plan for the project
    • Developed a monitoring program for the wetlands and water bodies
    • Took part in BAPE hearings
    Desserte Saguenay (Environmental characterization)
  • Environmental Impact Study
    Ferme Landrynoise

    La Ferme Landrynoise is a family-run dairy farm that has played an important role in the community in Saint-Albert since its foundation in 1964. The company wanted to increase the number of its cattle to boost its dairy production. This investment would be used to ensure the growth and sustainability of the farm. The project would also enable the farm to pursue its growth while remaining a competitive leader in the Canadian dairy market. Because the project was subject to an evaluation procedure and environmental impact assessments, Groupe Conseil UDA was mandated, in partnership with Consultants Lemay Choinière, to support the company in this endeavour.

    Services rendered

    • Prepared the project notice
    • Prepared and took part in consultation activities
    • Described the host environment
    • Identified challenges
    • Analyzed the impacts and cumulative effects
    • Proposed mitigation measures
    • Produced a summary
    • Took part in the BAPE hearings
    Ferme Landrynoise (Environmental impact study)
  • Environmental Impact Study
    Saint-Sébastien extension project

    The Saint-Sébastien extension project located in Saint-Sébastien and Pike River was intended to meet the growing demand for natural gas by increasing the capacity of the current network and consolidating it in the area. The project entailed an extension of an exiting conduit over a distance of about 4 km and the implementation of above-ground infrastructures. Groupe Conseil UDA was mandated with preparing and submitting the studies required for obtaining authorizations for the project. An impact study needed to be submitted to the provincial government as per the Environment Quality Act. Furthermore, because part of the project would impact a permanent agricultural zone, it required authorization as per the Act Respecting the Preservation of Agricultural Land and Agricultural Activities. Finally, because the project was an extension of a Canada-wide pipeline, it was also subject to the former National Energy Board.

    Services rendered

    • Carried out various inventories and sector studies in line with regulatory procedures
    • Prepared and submitted documents required by the environmental impact assessment and review procedure (project notice, impact study, addenda, lay summary)
    • Took part in BAPE hearings
    • Prepared documents related to the federal procedure
    • Prepared and submitted requests to the Commission de protection du territoire et des activités agricoles du Québec (CPTAQ)
    • Prepared and submitted requests for authorizations and permits
    Saint-Sébastien extension project
  • Environmental Impact Study
    Energy East Pipeline

    The Energy East Pipeline was to be the largest pipeline in Canada, with a 4,600-km pipeline connecting Alberta to New Brunswick. In Quebec, the project included a 650-km pipeline, 10 pump stations, 2 delivery stations, 107 block valves, permanent access roads, as well as temporary installations and infrastructures. Groupe Conseil UDA was mandated with preparing and submitting the studies required to obtain the authorizations for the project. An impact study needed to be submitted to the provincial government as per the Environment Quality Act. Furthermore, because part of the project would impact a permanent agricultural zone, it required authorization as per the Act Respecting the Preservation of Agricultural Land and Agricultural Activities. Finally, this Canada-wide project crossed several provinces, meaning it was subject to the former National Energy Board and the former Canadian Environmental Assessment Act.

    Services rendered

    • Carried out various inventories and sector studies in line with regulatory procedures
    • Prepared and submitted documents required by the environmental impact assessment and review procedure (project notice, impact study, addenda, lay summary)
    • Took part in BAPE hearings
    • Prepared and submitted requests to the CPTAQ
    • Prepared documents for the federal procedure regulating the project in Quebec
    • Took part in National Energy Board hearings
    Energy East Pipeline (Environmental impact study)

Contributing to the success of your projects

Assistance – Permits and Authorizations

In order to help you obtain your permits and authorizations in an efficient manner with respect to the natural environments where the project will take place, Groupe Conseil UDA is able to leverage its 40 years of experience and provide you with support, guidance, and a turnkey service.

As an expert in the industry, Groupe Conseil UDA is able to support you in the process of approaching various decision-making bodies. We are also able to provide any on-site services required, all with the goal of minimizing undue delays and maximizing your chances of success.

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Environmental Services

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